VERNON Shopping
In addition to the below businesses check out the Downtown Area. With over 550 businesses that include a plethora of restaurants and cafés, health and wellness, professional services and 150 independently owned retail boutiques, you will fall in love with the service and atmosphere, shopping in the heart of Vernon.
Safeway Pharmacy - Downtown
"Making a Difference in Your Health"
Phone: 250-542-8008
Address: 3417 30th Avenue, Vernon, BC
Safeway Pharmacy - Vernon Square Mall
"Making a Difference in Your Health"
Phone: 250-542-0313
Address: 4300 32nd Street, Vernon, BC
Scattered Goods
Crafts, Housewares, Home Decor, Greeting Cards, Linens, Party Supplies, Toys, Electronics, Hardware, Stationary, Organics
Phone: 250-549-2504
Address: 3320 30th Avenue, Vernon, BC